Can Blockchain Save the Amazon?

Blockchain technology can do more than underpin crypto-currencies—it could help save the Amazon rainforest by stopping so called “biopirates” from plundering its biological riches. If it works, more money could be made by preserving the rainforest than cutting it down.

Originally published on The Economist

Fabio Issao
Currently focused on Branding and Information Design, Fabio Issao helps individuals and organizations to improve their visions, purposes and businesses strategies through design-oriented methodologies. In the last 12 years, Fabio co-founded 3 design studios (LUME, Flag and Camisa10). After that, he served as the Strategic Design Director at Mandalah, a global conscious innovation consultancy, for 5 years, where he helped global and local brands to implement design as a changing-driver for all its projects. Since July 2014 he's been working on different projects, all of them based on creating social good and purposeful products and services.

'Ambitious' Earth Biogenome Project Will Seek to Sequence DNA of All Complex Life on the Planet


Reading the book of life