We dream up and build deeptech ventures that accelerate the interrelated energy, food and material industry transitions towards hyper-productive, decarbonized, and resilient operations that are inspired by Nature.

We focus on building and operating Digital Twins that address the interrelated transitions of the food, energy and material industries in a fast changing climate

Building and de-risking deeptech ventures prior to scaling worldwide.

We focus on breakthrough innovations across four investment theses

Hyper-productivity of natural resource systems

Deep decarbonization of natural resource industries

Resilient operations to climate risk

Engineering biology to transform whole industries

Spun-off Ventures

  • Moray


    Digital Twins to minimize use of agricultural inputs and productivity losses from individual plants to whole farms.

  • Ubiratã


    Digital Twins for Monitoring, Optimization and Risk Management for the Steel, Cement and Metal Refining Industries.