Media & Publications
"Vale do Silício Amazônico" pode manter floresta em pé
Ameaçada por desmatamento, queimadas, uso insustentável do solo e dos recursos, Floresta Amazônica já perdeu 20% de mata. Pra proteger a floresta, cientistas propõem transformar a biodiversidade em tecnologia.
Futuro da Amazônia depende da "quarta revolução industrial
O futuro da Amazônia pode depender de uma terceira via de desenvolvimento baseada na inovação tecnológica de ponta, no conhecimento tradicional e nos ativos da biodiversidade. Esta arquitetura inclui erguer em vários pontos da floresta centros de pesquisa como o Vale do Silício, na Califórnia e ter uma rede de cientistas internacionais estudando sua riqueza biológica.
Land-use and climate change risks in the Amazon and the need of a novel sustainable development paradigm
The Amazonian tropical forests have been disappearing at a fast rate in the last 50 y due to deforestation to open areas for agriculture, posing high risks of irreversible changes to biodiversity and ecosystems. Climate change poses additional risks to the stability of the forests. Studies suggest “tipping points” not to be transgressed: 4° C of global warming or 40% of total deforested area. The regional development debate has focused on attempting to reconcile maximizing conservation with intensification of traditional agriculture. Large reductions of deforestation in the last decade open up opportunities for an alternative model based on seeing the Amazon as a global public good of biological assets for the creation of high-value products and ecosystem services.
How NASA, Cisco, And A Tricked-Out Planetary Skin Could Make The World A Safer Place
From smarter electric grids to automated monitoring of at-risk environments, there are many areas where technology could have exponential effects on sustainability.